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Download Free The Book Of Fate Parinoush Saniee Pdf Software

Download Free The Book Of Fate Parinoush Saniee Pdf Software 4,3/5 51 votes

Parinoush Saniee is a sociologist and psychologist. She worked for the Iranian government in the ministry of labour. She has written several novels, of which The. Book of Fate is the first; The. Father of the Other One is the second – also published to great acclaim in Iran; others are awaiting approval by the censorship board.

This is the story, based on fact, of a boy who couldn’t speak until the age of seven. Now twenty, he describes the events of his life. Four-year-old Shahaab has not started talking. The family doctor believes there is no cause for concern; nevertheless, Shahaab is ridiculed by others who call him 'dumb.'

Young Shahaab doesn’t understand what the word means and thinks it is This is the story, based on fact, of a boy who couldn’t speak until the age of seven. Now twenty, he describes the events of his life. Four-year-old Shahaab has not started talking.

The family doctor believes there is no cause for concern; nevertheless, Shahaab is ridiculed by others who call him 'dumb.' Young Shahaab doesn’t understand what the word means and thinks it is a compliment, until one day his cousin plays a trick on him to prove to everyone that the boy truly is the neighbourhood idiot.

When his mother recounts the incident to her husband, Shahaab is crushed to learn that his father also thinks the boy’s speech impediment indicates that his son is an idiot and thus brings shame on the family. Shahaab soon recognizes that his father’s love and esteem is concentrated on his older brother, Arash, and his younger sister, Shadee.

In his innocent and deeply hurt child’s mind, he begins to believe that the 'good' and 'intelligent' children like his older brother are their fathers’ sons. On the other hand, children like him who are 'clumsy' and 'problematic' are their mothers’ sons. From that moment on, his world, which he thought was filled with beauty and kindness, suddenly turns harsh, full of anger and insult. He begins to lash out, taking childish revenge on those around him, encouraged by his two imaginary friends, Esi and Bibi. No one in the family can understand Shahaab’s wild behaviour except his maternal grandmother, who seems to possess the understanding and the kindness he so desperately craves.

Their growing bond leads to a deep friendship in which Shahaab is able to experience some happiness and finally find his voice. One of the most depressing books I've ever read - very intriguing though! I believe what made this book really interesting is that it's from the perspective of a four year old. Shahaab was just very pitiful and i wanted to hug him throughout the book. Despite constantly being called retarded and not being able to express himself, his stubborn attitude was really impressive. At first, I hated them all except for the mother but then she turned out even worse.

I just don't understand how an One of the most depressing books I've ever read - very intriguing though! I believe what made this book really interesting is that it's from the perspective of a four year old. Shahaab was just very pitiful and i wanted to hug him throughout the book. Despite constantly being called retarded and not being able to express himself, his stubborn attitude was really impressive.

At first, I hated them all except for the mother but then she turned out even worse. I just don't understand how an entire family can be very. Toxic and sickening. Their mentality was very revolting and what makes it even more sad is that a lot of people think this way as well. The ending, however, turned out well - or at least turned out well for Shahaab only ( karma is powerful ). I recommend this book to everyone, but mainly to parents,more specifically fathers.

'Because of us. Because Mother has a son like us. Praise to the author, Ms. Parinoush Saniee! It is an amazing book.

The story is very well constructed and established. Personally, I can say that my emotions are being drawn into the story. It is one of the books that I will greatly give to someone. The story has its unique complexity.

It is simple and easy to read yet the characters and their lives give that interesting 'what's next?' Kind of vibe. I am really honored that I have the chance to re 'Because of us. Because Mother has a son like us. Praise to the author, Ms. Parinoush Saniee! It is an amazing book.

The story is very well constructed and established. Personally, I can say that my emotions are being drawn into the story.

It is one of the books that I will greatly give to someone. Empire earth 2 download deutsch vollversion. The story has its unique complexity. It is simple and easy to read yet the characters and their lives give that interesting 'what's next?'

Kind of vibe. I am really honored that I have the chance to read this book. Indeed, the story is about a boy named Shahaab and its childhood journey as a middle child. But the story does not focus only on him. His attitude. His cleverness. His stubbornness.

And how he reach a certain status. Each character has their own story to tell. The dynamics of each character really integrate the lovely plot. I really recommend this book not only for fathers and soon-to-be fathers out there but for the whole family, from father to mother to siblings to grandparents to members of extended family.

There is a lesson to learn and a question to ponder. It is a very well written story that I cannot help myself to ask for a sequel. On top of it, I have a smile while reading the book. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, I would never have voluntarily chosen to read this book; I only read it because I have to review it for a show.

Which is going to be really hard because I really didn't enjoy this book. The story is thus: Shahaab is 4 but has yet to speak. He has a hard-working older brother, Arash, the family's scion, and a younger sister, Shadi, the family favourite. Shahaab's mother, Maryam, is unhappy because she has no life except for taking care of her children. His father, Nasser, is unhappy because I would never have voluntarily chosen to read this book; I only read it because I have to review it for a show. Which is going to be really hard because I really didn't enjoy this book.

The story is thus: Shahaab is 4 but has yet to speak. He has a hard-working older brother, Arash, the family's scion, and a younger sister, Shadi, the family favourite. Shahaab's mother, Maryam, is unhappy because she has no life except for taking care of her children. His father, Nasser, is unhappy because he works three jobs to support his children. Because Shahaab is mute, he is considered to be dumb and unintelligent.

The doctors say otherwise but the extended family have deemed him thus, so therefore he is labelled and treated as dumb by everyone except, for the most part, his mother. Because he is mute, everyone speaks openly in front of him about things they really should keep private and Shahaab ends up being privy to a lot of secrets.

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However, when those secrets are used against him, he doesn't stop being mute to defend himself. In the midst of it all, because he is ill-treated, Shahaab creates imaginary friends Asi and Babi, who goad him into more and more dangerous acts of rebellion.

These acts calm him down but make his family suspicious and distrusting of him. It doesn't help that on the two occasions Shahaab does speak, the family makes a big deal of it and frightens him with their attention.

Can Shahaab ever get over his fear of speaking? First up, I think the translation for this book left much to be desired. It is too simplistic and the sentences are often clunky, making for uncomfortable reading.

The sentences themselves tend to be quite short, so it's a very easy read, but there are too many moments when the fact that it is a translation becomes obvious. Also, and others may disagree with this, surely if you are translating idioms or metaphors, it's best to just find the closest English equivalent instead of having to add footnotes? It looks weird in a fiction book. Now, the story. I just couldn't get into it.

I had too many questions about the characters' motivations. For instance, Shahaab's actions are super-violent. Where on Earth did he pick those up? There is no explanation for this. No 4-year-old looks at a brick and thinks, let's drop this on Grandmother's head and kill her because she called me an 'idiot'.

That's very shocking learned behaviour! He continues to do really dangerous things throughout the story with seemingly little repercussion. Additionally, why is Shahaab voluntarily mute? If everything is truly fine with him why would he choose not to speak to the people he is closest to? There is a throwaway line about him being upset about Shadi taking his parents' affection but it's also hinted that he hasn't yet spoken anyway?

It's bad plotting, I think. The parents are written very two-dimensionally. Maryam is the maternal damsel in distress who requires Shahaab to save her more than the other way around. She keeps bemoaning her fate instead of fighting.

It's unbearable. Nearing the end, her mother ticks her off for being so whiny but she doesn't change much. The woman has no spirit or substance and no development throughout the story. Then, we have the father, Nasser. He's just written as evil but with no reason why.

He pressurises Arash, adores Shadi and dislikes Shahaab because of his muteness. Why doesn't he hug Shahaab? Why does he automatically assume his son is mentally ill because he doesn't speak? And why does he openly declare war against his 4-year-old and fight him at every opportunity till he grows older? What kind of parent does that? The rest of the characters are even more like cardboard cutouts than the parents.

We have the aunts, malicious for the sake of it; the angry uncle, no idea why he's angry; the bullying cousin brother who is also stupid; the kindly cousin sister who ends up having an affair and getting pregnant; the evil grandmother and the overly kind grandmother. All cardboard cutouts!

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I also have to take umbrage to how sexist the characterisations are. The women are mothers first and foremost and the text insists that's how they should be. We get to hear about the male characters' school/ work life but the female characters are relegated to gossiping, romancing caricatures. I was almost willing to forgive all this had the story been set in the '60s or '70s but there was a throwaway line about mobile phones which puts it firmly in contemporary times. Not excusing such sexism now, sorry!

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And, don't get me started on the ending. Shahaab finally ends up in school where his talent from writing is recognised. Only for him to mention to his teacher that his dad is not his real dad but his brother, Arash's (which he calls him throughout the book). And there's a bizarre conversation between the school administration and Maryam and Nasser about their family situation, but Maryam is very forgiving of their misunderstanding. No way would she not have been super-offended if they were actually as conservative as the text implied.

We then have Nasser weeping that he can't make amends with Shahaab and that he feels like his son is his enemy. Dude, the kid is 7, by this time. The story ends with Shahaab winning a prize for calligraphy and Nasser being asked to give a speech because Shahaab's win is to his credit. Nasser has literally not touched this child, ever.

Maryam does everything but we're supposed to be okay with the father being credited? Nasser gives a speech about how lucky he is to have Shahaab as a son.

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The two hug and we cut to years later when Shahaab is 20 and showing his friends the picture of him and Nasser hugging it out. When asked who the man is, Shahaab says that it is Arash's father. After all that? There's zero character development!

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This was an aggravating read, from start to finish. I was so hoping for a moving tale of self-discovery and familial bonds but all we get is a bunch of two-dimensional characters with no reasoning behind their actions or reactions and too many convenient plot developments forcefully placed to move the story along instead of things happening organically.